sunny sunny day (& an impromptu outfit photo shoot)

when Penny & i spotted this colourful wall we knew it needed to be documented.
i’d been rabbiting on about my favourite wall that i walk past everyday (& how i have always wanted to take outfit photos in front of it but never have…) so seeing this was a sign that crossing the road & attempting to pose was totally necessary!
how incredible is this wall? i’m almost certain that i’ll be wandering over here more often to snap some shots!
now this is just a few shots – we took far too many.
it seems that i’m not the most graceful person when it comes to posing for photos. i have some hysterical attempts at “looking casual”, but they’re almost a bit too embarrassing to share! 😉

after a quick opshop we headed to a bar for some delicious fries & my favourite sparkling rose.
gosh this stuff makes me happy!
we were brainstorming business ideas & making big plans, so we’ll see what comes from it.
the future is bright friends 🙂
(funnily enough, it was sunny & 27 degrees when we took these photos on thursday. now, saturday, it’s freezing cold, dark, stormy & i have the heater on two bars. two bars!! that means it was cold! brrr! also might explain the cold that seems to have appeared on the scene…)

ok – so outfit time
i’m wearing – a new (surprise surprise!)vintage dress that i bought on tuesday (i’d spotted it previously but this time it was half price! eeep!) / cardi from forever 21 (i think? super old) / vintage enamel flower from easy / melissa shoes / ines de la fressange sunnies
ahhh i just realised i don’t have any info about Penny’s outfit! ok – i shall add that as soon as i get the info off her! 😉

it was such a wonderful afternoon & soaking up the suns rays really was spectacular! (even if they only lasted for a day haha) i can’t wait for spring ❤
have a happy weekend folks! i’m heading back to soak up the heat from our heater 😉